Websmart Website


it doesn't have to be difficult

There are many different pieces that come together to make a website, it doesn't matter what software or service you use. Websmart makes running a website easier for you by putting all those pieces together.


We know what is possible in the various aspects of website operations. 
Our 30+ years of experience in communications and marketing with hundreds of clients gives us a unique perspective.


The prime directive for websites is communication. We design sites that are focused on delivering content to users in a professional, appropriate manner that is easily accessible and follows industry standards to maximize accessibility.


Having your own qualified webmaster can reduce the stress out of running a website. We offer a range of Webmaster Support Packages  so you can do what you do best while we look after all the various aspects of maintaining a good website.

feature product

Our Websmart Websites platform (new) for creating quality websites quickly and easily for professionals and small. businesses/organizations.

"We highly recommend Websmart. They are super helpful and is always available to help us with special tasks or changes to our site and its content. They have designed a friendly and colourful website that is a terrific tool to talk to our community and to reflect stories about the work we do."

Stuart Reid
Executive Director, Community Foundation Grey Bruce

Do you need a site like this one?
A fully customized, dynamic site for your staff to manage.

What all can we do?

We can do anything website related.  Here's a quick list below. 
Site Management
Stay on top of things with good site management. This is important in terms of security and also SEO, and user experience.
Researching, selecting, registering, documenting, selling, buying.  We can help nail down the right domain(s) for your project.
Dynamic Programming
Increase the power of your site with database and dynamic applications.
Multi-site Development
Run multiple websites through one custom dashboard, share data, separate designs, domains and target markets

and more ...
Members Only Portal
We can set you up with your own password protected content site so you can communicate with members in a private space.
Content Management (CMS)
Custom admin dashboards for your site - focused tasks to make it easier and faster to make updates.

Private Hosting

Websmart clients enjoy the safety and privacy of our private hosting.  We only host our own clients and limit high level access to our own company. 

We also have access to a wide range of software packages we can add to your account for more features and functionality.
Safe and Secure
We don't allow just anyone into our house. Our private server is for our clients ONLY. That protects our websites from unskilled or malicious developers. Our server is housed in a data hub in Canada and has 24/7 tech support
Whatever email boxes you require.  Forwarding, auto-responders, IMAP and PO3 connections, plus webmail access.
Flexible Limits
We are able to be flexible and give our clients room when they need it to run their websites - no arbitrary restrictions in place just to make extra money.
We monitor our server 24/7 - and we have a top notch tech team supporting us. 

Get started with our Websmart Sites



Review our platform demo, then decide which set up package you think works for your needs.  Contact us and tell us about your project.



We will contact you to review and confirm details and pricing and get the setup payment.



Your site is designed and ready for you to make any changes you  want to .  The monthly subscription begins. You can manage your website content or have us do it for you depending on what package you have enrolled in.
Sign up for your Websmart Site today > if you have questions feel free to to drop us a line on our contact page.

License Information

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Your website license was not activated yet or license has expired.

Try again

  • If your website was working, and now it's not, please contact your webhosting company. It's the company you pay for ths website, domain or hosting
  • If your website was not working yet, you probably have no license. You can contact your webhosting company for assistance, or get a license on your own
    Sign In Get a Domain License